Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Scholarships in Sweden

Scholarships for PhD in different universities of Sweden. Links are provided below:
1) Uppsala University
2) Lund University…/work-at-lund-university
3) University of Gothenburg…/announcements-in-the-job-application-por…
4) Stockholm University
5) Karolinska Institutet
6) Umeå University
7) Royal Institute of Technology
8) Linköping University
9) Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
10) Luleå University of Technology…/kar…/Annonstorg/Lediga-tjanster-vid-LTU…
11) Karlstad University
12) Örebro University 
(GO through each reserch major and teams to find PhD positions in them )
13) Mid Sweden University
14) Linnaeus University
15) Malmö University College
16) Chalmers University…/about…/vacancies/Pages/default.aspx
17) University of Skövde…/ab…/Job-opportunities/job-opportunities/
18) Halmstad University…/discover/vacantpositions.2064_en.html
19) Södertörn University

Read Also:           NUS Summer Research Internship (SRI) Programme
                            Master’s scholarships in mathematics and computer science
                            Scholarships in King Abdulaziz University

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Scholarships in King Abdulaziz University

King Abdul Aziz University Saudi Arabia Scholarships for Master and PhD have started taking applications
Deadline: 28/02/2016
Visit these web pages…
This message is applicable to Masters and PhD applicants applying to King Abdul Aziz University and other universities in Saudi Arabia.
Note* Saudi universities prefer potential candidates with publications in international journals having impact factors and citation index.

Read Also:           NUS Summer Research Internship (SRI) Programme

Master’s scholarships in mathematics and computer science

Archimede LabEx offers one-year scholarships for talented students enrolling for a research master’s degree (M2) in mathematics or computer science in one of the following academic programs.

The scholarships will be awarded on the basis of academic excellence. The stipend is 1,000 euros per month, up to 10,000 euros per year. Archimede LabEx can cover travel expenses for foreign students (one one-way ticket, economy class, from the home country, up to 1,000 euros).

Research masters fields (M2) 

Mathematics (more informations here)
  • Mathématiques générales :
    • Mathématiques fondamentales
    • Mathématiques discrètes et fondements de l’informatique
  • Ingénierie mathématique et modélisation
    • Equations aux dérivées partielles et calcul scientifique
    • Probabilités et statistiques
    • Mathématiques et informatique : statistiques, signal, santé.
    • Ingéniérie Mathématiques et statistiques actuarielles
  • Mathématiques appliquées aux sciences sociales (MASS) :
    • Gestion sociale des risques et de l’environnement
    • Analyse des populations : exploration, modélisation, prévision.
Computer science (more informations here)
  • Informatique fondamentale
  • Sciences de l’information et des systèmes
  • Fiabilité, sécurité et intégration logicielle
  • Génie logiciel
  • Informatique décisionnelle
  • Recherche d’information multi-media
  • Systèmes d’informations répartis
  • Master images et systèmes
Most courses are taught in French.
Students will prepare their master’s thesis in one of the following research units:
  • Center for Theoretical Physics (CPT)
  • Marseilles Institute of Mathematics (I2M)
  • Marseilles Laboratory for Fundamental Computer Science (LIF)
  • Laboratory for Information and System Sciences (LSIS)


The scholarships are open to all students who have a bachelor’s degree in mathematics or computer science and who will have completed the first year of a master’s degree or Ph.D. program (or its equivalent) during the academic year 2015-2016. The selection process will be based on the academic record.
Following a decision of the executive board of Aix-Marseille University, French candidates from Aix-Marseille University can not apply for this grant.

Important information for foreign students

Campus France Application: Students from the following countries applying for scholarships must fill in an application file on the Campus France website and follow the CEF procedure in order to be able to study in a French university :
List of countries: Algeria, Argentina, Benin, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Chile, China, Colombia, Congo Brazzaville, Gabon, Guinea, India, Indonesia, Ivory Coast, Japan, Lebanon, Madagascar, Mali, Maurice, Morocco, Mexico, Peru, Russia, Senegal, South Korea, Syria, Taiwan, Tunisia, Turkey, the United States, Vietnam.
Students from other countries must apply directly to the master’s program.

How to apply ?

Applications must be submitted via the online form.
Requested documents, to download
1. Curriculum Vitae (max. 2 pages), academic records of the past four years, information about current level of French language skills (to compile in a single document under the following formats : .doc, .pdf or .zip)
2. A covering letter stating in particular:
  • your scientific interests
  • how your academic ba
  • ckground and training match and/or meet the requirements of the master’s program you wish to enroll in
  • your projects for the future
+ Two recommendation letters (one from the head of the current year syllabus), which have to be directly send by the authors by mail


Applications must be completed by March 15th, 2016, 23h59 Paris time.


The selected applicants will be contacted from mid-April, 2016.

NUS Summer Research Internship (SRI) Programme

Summer Research Internship (SRI) ProgrammeThe Summer Research Internship (SRI) Programme is a university wide Research Programme initiated to stimulate a culture of research for the overseas undergraduates. Participants for this programme will develop research interest, strong sense of cross-cultural intelligence, gain a network of friends and a better understanding of our nation.

Eligible overseas undergraduate students will be given an allowance, and are expected to fulfill a 8-week research attachment comprising project work at Nanyang Technological University (NTU), and presentation of their research project at a closing ceremony. All participants will receive a certificate issued by NTU upon completion of the programme.
Internship PeriodSummer Research Internship (SRI) Programme 2016 will be from 01 June 2016 to 22 July 2016. 

Eligibility Criteria* Open to NEW students who have not studied in NTU Singapore previously.
* Open to all nationalities (including SIngaporeans) who are currently full-time students in an overseas    university. 
* Students have to commit to an internship period of two months (8 weeks).
* Applicants must possess good academic track records.

SRI Allowance
The SRI grant is tenable only for the duration of the programme at NTU. Each grant shall cover the following:
* Tuition fees. 
* One-time allowance up to SGD3,000.

Notes for International Students
International applicants are advised to look up important information such as, pre-departure checklist, immigration,accommodationcost of livingemergency hotlinesinsurance, etc or refer to the International Student Centre's website. The Pre-departure Guide book for International Students can be found on the website.

Hostels within the campus will be arranged and allocated, which will be paid by yourselves, i.e. to be deducted from your stipend. You may also source for your own accommodation. e.g. renting of rooms outside the campus. For this, you will need to keep us informed. 

Student Pass
All international students are required to obtain a valid Immigration Pass issued by the Singapore Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA) in order to participate in SRI Programme.
An Entry Visa is required of international students from some countries for entry into Singapore. For more information, please visit the website of the Singapore Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA). More details will be given by the choice of your school to short-listed applicants.

Campus Map and Location
Our campus is easily accessible by many modes of public transport. Click here to find out how to visit our campus.

Application Period
Application for SRI 2015 has closed. The application period for SRI 2016 will be open from 1 October 2015 to 30 November 2015.

USAID Scholarships for PhD

PhD holders Faculty members at public sector universities and NUST, working or have expertise in research areas relevant to Energy as given below, then apply for USAID- NUST research grants in Advanced studies in Energy
*** Also organizations and individuals can submit proposals but they have to include one PhD faculty member from NUST

Research proposals should address one or more of the following themes:
1. Energy Materials and Devices: Materials, Fuel Cell, Batteries, Solar Cells.
2. Renewable Energy: Solar, PV, CPV, Biofuels, Wind power, Hydroelectricity, Solar-thermal,
Geothermal, etc.
3. Applied Energy Economics and Analysis: energy economics, modeling of energy system to
assist in policy, applied research impact on policy.
4. Thermal Energy Engineering: Fossil Fuel Thermal, Solar thermal and related areas.
5. Electrical Energy Systems: Power System, Grid, Energy System, and related areas.
Last Date to apply : 15 December, 2015